Saturday, March 19, 2011

Novena in Honor of St. Joseph: FIRST DAY

(Disclaimer I am NOT taking credits for this. The text herein come from a 40-page novena booklet I purchased from St. Paul Bookstore where no author was indicated.  Undertaking the novena has enabled me to come across these beautiful reflections which I would like to share.  It is hence my hope that another soul might find inspiration from the virtues exemplified by the life of. St. Joseph)

NOTE:  These are the text in their entirety.  Emphasis were supplied by me. Please click on the pictures for bigger and clearer text.

(1)  Recite the following prayers on nine consecutive days or on nine consecutive Wednesdays.
(2) Try to receive Holy Communion at least once during the novena.
(3)  Perform some act of mortification or self-denial for every day of the novena.



"The just man liveth by Faith."  (St. Paul)

St. Joseph was certainly a just man.  He had been chosen of all men in this world to be the protector of the Mother of God. He has been chosen because His faith was strong and it required unwavering faith and courage to believe in the virginity of Mary when she was with child.  It required Faith during the flight into Egypt when the God Child fled before the rage of a king who sought to kill Him.  And Nazareth required Faith when Joseph was forced to work and eke out a poor living for the young mother and Child.

St. Joseph, in the gospel story, is called the "just man."  But what oceans of praise are contained therein when one realizes that such is not simply the judgment of men but the unerring verdict of the Holy Ghost.

What of your faith?  Is it strong, undoubting and built upon a firm foundation?  Have you a realization of the fact that even in our natural lives, we live by faith, trusting the judgment, the honesty and ability of that Christ's promise, "I will be with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world" implies that the Church is being divinely guided and directed?  Is your faith built upon a firm foundation, a foundation of knowing of what the Catholic Church teaches and a love of that knowledge which forbids you to read dangerous books, to listen to those who attack the faith, knowing that as a babe is not given strong food until such time as it reaches manhood, so too, until you are well grounded in the Faith, you cannot meet objections unless you know your Faith?

Say to St. Joseph:

O great Saint, model of the just living by faith, 
revive that virtue in our souls.  
May it be the principle, the motive, 
the aim of all my actions;
 my consolation and my strength in the trials of life, 
and the source of abundant merit for everlasting life.  

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