Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Own Fair-Weather-Friend

Its been weeks.  But I still hate myself whenever I remember my failure.  I was told its normal to feel this way but why do I feel so neglected, so ashamed, and so hopeless still?  My friends and classmates seemed to have move-on already and have even managed to pick themselves up so they've started reviewing again.  Why can't I after all the encouragement I receive (and give)?

This failure has taught me so much about myself.  While I detest fair weather friends, I realized that I happen to be my own fair-weather-friend myself.  I like it when I know I did a great job.  But I end up abhorring myself when things don't turn out the way I expect them to be.

Some friends and relatives have remained mum all this while.  And yes, their coldness make me sick.  While I try my very best to convince myself that things are not as bad as they seem, I still remain very suspicious.  At the back of my mind, the nagging thought remains:  they're laughing at my failure.

I do not see myself being something else but an attorney.  But why does that seem sooo absurd? 

Dear God please hold my hand.  I am about to crumble..

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