...or should it be, "the jinx that is upon me?" =)
I am still jealous of John Gabriel Pelias and of all other UP grads. It is because I have always wanted to go to UP myself. But there always seemed to be a jinx somewhere...
When I was about to finish elementary, I was the only one from my batch (there's about 200 of us) who passed the UP highschool admission test. But Mom told me it would be very costly for me to attend UP highschool since we live far from the UP campus. When I was about to graduate from highschool, I again, took the UPCAT. And from again, I was the only one who passed (my other classmate was wait-listed). For the second time, I didn't go on with it for "more practical reasons." So when I was already teaching, I planned on going to UP again for my Master's... and you can guess again what happened.
But I didn't give up. When I finished my Master's I went on to study law -- no not at UP of course (for more practical reasons) -- but planned on reviewing at UP again. For the fourth time, I didn't make it. My hopes and dreams of going to UP didn't materialize...
Many of my friends went to UP. And I have had relatives who have been there too. Some have managed to excel in their fields and I am here left wondering if their success can be attributed to the exposure, training, and education that their prestigious Alma Mater has bestowed upon them...
Sigh. I still wish to wear their sablay.
As they say, it's never too late. :) Maybe there are other courses (post-masteral, post-law) offered in UP that you can take.