This weekend's project required minor effort and minimal equipment too! The mommy Tillandsias had babies and after several weeks of gushing over them young, I finally decided to wean them.
Pinterest had pretty good ideas for hanging and displaying airplants and one of my favorites was making a coil hanger from wire.
It's time to wean: Mommies and babies! |
To make the Tillandsia hanger, coil a wire like this. |
Stretching the coil becomes like this. |
And voila! The Tillandsia has a home! |
Sideview, this is how it looks. |
Left is an S-Hook and right is the coiled-hanger. |
Altogether, they look so pretty! |
That's it! Tillandsias are fairly easy to take care. You practically just let them be! Lol! Kidding aside. I have lost several baby Tillandsias in the first few months since i got them. I has high hopes then because they seemed really easy to grow and keep. I was wrong. They can get sensitive and wither too when overly misted. I once went on a five day vacation only to come home and
find my once healthy indoor tillandsia, dead.
For now, I keep 'em nice by spritzing them with water once a week atleast. I hardly dunk them anymore in bath because it's been raining quite often the past few weeks. The air being kind'v humid makes my Tillandsias happy.
So here's to hoping the babies will stay okay and grow to become happy mommies too!